The MHCRC contracts for staff and other support services through a services agreement with the City of Portland. The MHCRC funds an equivalent of 4.4 full-time (FTE) staff positions plus related materials, services, financial and administrative costs.
Each member Jurisdiction contributes to the MHCRC’s operating budget. The Jurisdictions’ fund about half the operating budget and other MHCRC resources fund the remaining portion.
According to the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) among the Jurisdictions that created the MHCRC, the MHCRC must gain approval of its Budget every year by each member Jurisdiction.
Budget 2024-2025
1 file(s) 848.75 KB
Budget 2023-2024
1 file(s) 1.23 MB
Budget 2022-2023
1 file(s) 1.12 MB
Budget 2021-2022
1 file(s) 1.22 MB
Budget 2020 - 2021
1 file(s) 0.00 KB