Centennial School District

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MATH AND SCIENCE INTEGRATED PROJECT-BASED LEARNING PROJECTGRANT: $1,201,310TOTAL PROJECT: $1,204,859 The Centennial School District MHCRC TechSmart Initiative grant project plans to scale project-based learning instruction over four school years to develop a cohesive, technology-rich, integrated math and science curriculum for 7-9th grade students. The project aims to increase math and science credit attainment in 9th grade and close the achievement gaps between student groups. During school year 2018-2019, A small cohort of experienced teachers, along with a full-time STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) Coach, are piloting ways to integrate math and science learning using digital resources and technology, with…

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Gresham-Barlow School District

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Embedding Technology in Middle School MathGrant: $706,788Total Project: $1,6654,556 In alignment with the district focus on providing effective, high quality instruction in K-12 mathematics, the purpose of the Embedding Technology in Middle School Math project is to provide intensive and targeted support for increasing student achievement in mathematics. The project will specifically target math achievement of 8th grande students and the math credit attainment of students in 9th grade the following year. Read the GBSD Embedding Technology in Middle School Math project plan. K-3 Technology Integration Project Grant: $1,369,326 Total Project: $2,816,858 The Gresham-Barlow School District will provide teacher professional…

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Reynolds School District

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REYNOLDS EXPANSION OF TECHSMART CLASSROOMS ACROSS REYNOLDS HIGH SCHOOLS Reynolds School District GRANT: $1,225,270 TOTAL PROJECT: $2,706,979 The purpose of the Reynolds High School Expansion project is to replicate and integrate the accomplishments of the initial TechSmart grant for all content areas at Reynolds High School and Reynolds Learning Academy. Through the initial MHCRC grant, there have been noticeable gains in middle school math credit attainment as well as student satisfaction and engagement. The combined functionality of the grant-funded teacher and student devices and Schoology will foster teachers' abilities to implement constructivist classroom methods to differentiate learning. Read the Expansion…

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Parkrose School District

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1-TO-1 iPADS AT PARKROSE HIGH SCHOOLParkrose School DistrictGRANT: $363,796TOTAL PROJECT: $735,874The grant investment supports Parkrose School District efforts to improve 9th Grade credit attainment, English Language Learners progress and High School Graduation rates. Parkrose High School will begin providing iPads to all students this Fall, along with providing extensive teacher training to take advantage of technology to create effective learning environments for all students. A robust wireless network will provide access to the Internet throughout the outside areas of the High School campus so that students without access at home can remain connected after school buildings officially close. 1-TO-1 iPADS…

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David Douglas School District

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2018-2021 Mill Park and Menlo Park Elementary Technology Integration Project GRANT: $1,133,535TOTAL PROJECT: $2,341,715 David Douglas School District (DDSD) received a second boost toward closing the achievement gap with a $1.3 million MHCRC TechSmart Initiative grant. The District is building on learnings from its first TechSmart Initiative grant at Earl Boyles Elementary School. Through extensive data analysis, DDSD identified math proficiency as a primary barrier to students graduating high school. With support from the grant, the District is a focusing on elementary math instruction at Mill Park and Menlo Park elementary schools, which have declining proficiency rates for 3-5th grade…

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